Limited warranty
This product is shipped to customers only after meeting strict inspection standards. If an abnormality occurs during
normal operation in accordance with the operating instructions and other operating cautions within the warranty period (24
months after date of purchase) that can be attributed to a manufacturing defect, the defective parts of this product will be
serviced or the product will be replaced free of charge. However, this warranty will NOT cover compensation for incidental
damage or any malfunction listed below.
1. Warranty period
This warranty is valid for 24 months after the date of purchase.
2. Warranty
If, during the warranty period, any of the material of the genuine parts of this product or the workmanship of this product is
found defective, and is so verified by our company, the servicing cost will be fully covered by our company.
3. Exclusion
Even during the warranty period, this warranty DOES NOT cover the following:
Malfunction caused by the use of parts other than manufacturer-specified genuine parts.
Malfunction caused by misuse or operating errors, or lack of storage or maintenance care.
Malfunction caused by the use of a fluid that may cause corrosion, inflation or dissolution of the component parts of the
Irregularity caused by a repair made by other than our firm, our regional office, dealer or authorized service personnel.
Malfunction caused by a modification of the product by other than authorized service personnel.
Wear and tear of parts that must be regularly replaced in the course of normal operation, such as diaphragms,
valve seats, balls, air motor sleeve valves and o-rings.
Malfunction and/or damage due to transportation, moving or droppage of the product after purchase.
Malfunction and/or damage due to fire, earthquake, flood or other force majeure.
Malfunction caused by the use of compressed air that contains impurities, air with oil or excessive moisture, or use of
gases or fluids other than the specified compressed air.
Malfunction caused by the use of a fluid that causes excessive abrasion.
Furthermore, this warranty does not cover the rubber parts, or other parts that are subject to wear in normal
operation, used in this product and its accessories.
4. Parts
Parts for this product will be kept available for 5 years after discontinuation of production. Once 5 years have elapsed after
close of production, availability of parts for this product cannot be guaranteed.