Open Source Software Licenses and Attributions Document
file:///C|/tape_2_ppc.lai.html[9/7/2012 2:56:11 PM]
1. Definitions
"Authorized Use" - the specified level at which Licensee is authorized to execute or run the Program. That level may
be measured by number of users, millions of service units ("MSUs"), Processor Value Units ("PVUs"), or other level
of use specified by IBM.
"IBM" - International Business Machines Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.
"License Information" ("LI") - a document that provides information and any additional terms specific to a Program.
The Program's LI is available at The LI can also be found in the Program's directory, by
the use of a system command, or as a booklet included with the Program.
"Program" - the following, including the original and all whole or partial copies: 1) machine-readable instructions and
data, 2) components, files, and modules, 3) audio-visual content (such as images, text, recordings, or pictures), and 4)
related licensed materials (such as keys and documentation).
2. Agreement Structure
This Agreement includes Part 1 - General Terms, Part 2 - Country-unique Terms (if any) and the LI and is the
complete agreement between Licensee and IBM regarding the use of the Program. It replaces any prior oral or written
communications between Licensee and IBM concerning Licensee's use of the Program. The terms of Part 2 may
replace or modify those of Part 1. To the extent of any conflict, the LI prevails over both Parts.
3. License Grant
The Program is owned by IBM or an IBM supplier, and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold.
IBM grants Licensee a nonexclusive license to 1) use the Program up to the Authorized Use specified in the invoice,
2) make and install copies to support such Authorized Use, and 3) make a backup copy, all provided that
a. Licensee has lawfully obtained the Program and complies with the terms of this Agreement;
b. the backup copy does not execute unless the backed-up Program cannot execute;
c. Licensee reproduces all copyright notices and other legends of ownership on each copy, or partial copy, of the
d. Licensee ensures that anyone who uses the Program (accessed either locally or remotely) 1) does so only on
Licensee's behalf and 2) complies with the terms of this Agreement;
e. Licensee does not 1) use, copy, modify, or distribute the Program except as expressly permitted in this Agreement;
2) reverse assemble, reverse compile, otherwise translate, or reverse engineer the Program, except as expressly
permitted by law without the possibility of contractual waiver; 3) use any of the Program's components, files, modules,
audio-visual content, or related licensed materials separately from that Program; or 4) sublicense, rent, or lease the
Program; and
f. if Licensee obtains this Program as a Supporting Program, Licensee uses this Program only to support the Principal
Program and subject to any limitations in the license to the Principal Program, or, if Licensee obtains this Program as
a Principal Program, Licensee uses all Supporting Programs only to support this Program, and subject to any
limitations in this Agreement. For purposes of this Item "f," a "Supporting Program" is a Program that is part of
another IBM Program ("Principal Program") and identified as a Supporting Program in the Principal Program's LI. (To
obtain a separate license to a Supporting Program without these restrictions, Licensee should contact the party from
whom Licensee obtained the Supporting Program.)