Removing the Display Bezel
Installing the Display Bezel
Removing the Display Panel
Installing the Display Panel
Removing the Power LED Board
Installing the Power LED Board
Removing the Camera
Installing the Camera
Removing the Speakers
Installing the Speakers
Removing the Coin-Cell Battery
Installing the Coin-Cell Battery
Removing the Smart-Card Board
Installing the Smart-Card Board
Removing the Smart-Card Cage
Installing the Smart-Card Cage
Removing the Hall Sensor
Installing the Hall Sensor
Removing the Sniffer Board
Installing the Sniffer Board
Removing the Display Assembly
Installing the Display Assembly
Removing the Power Connector
Installing the Power Connector
Removing the System Board
Installing the System Board
Removing the Thermal Module
Installing the Thermal Module
3 System Setup.............................................................................................................................39
System Setup Overview
Boot Sequence
Navigation Keys
Updating the BIOS
System Setup Option
4 Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................................49
Enhanced Pre-Boot System Assessment (ePSA) Diagnostics
Beep Codes
LED Error Codes