Hot swap an NVMe PCIe SSD U.2 device
NVMe PCIe SSD AICs do not support hot swap.
Supported NVMe PCIe SSD U.2 device hot swappable functions are defined below:
Orderly or Hot
Insert a device into a running system where a similar device has not been previously inserted from the time it was
last booted. The systems that support NVMe PCIe SSDs are configured to handle PCIe resource balancing in the
event of a hot insertion when operating within a Dell supported operating system. This preset system configuration
makes hot insertion an orderly operation if performed with supported operating systems.
Orderly Removal
Remove a device from a running system. Prior to physically removing the device, you must notify the system that
the device is about to be removed. This notification defines hot removal as an orderly operation.
Orderly Swap
Remove a device from the system in an orderly fashion and replace it with a supported device. The device that is
removed and the device that replaced it use the same device driver.
Dell strongly recommends that you notify the system prior to removing an NVMe PCIe SSD U.2. Refer to Dell
OpenManage Server Administrator or Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller user’s guides for more information.
Orderly hot swap is only supported when an NVMe PCIe SSD device is installed in a supported Dell system running a
supported operating system. Do not insert or remove an NVMe PCIe SSD device while accessing the system BIOS or Hll
configuration. To ensure that you have the correct hardware setup for your NVMe PCIe SSD device, see the system specific
owner's manual at Dell.com/support/manuals.
Device health
Dell Express Flash NVMe PCIe SSDs include several features such as SMART, remaining rated write endurance, and device write status,
that allow you to monitor device health.
Use these features to help maintain the health of your Dell Express Flash SSD.
Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART)
Dell management tools such as Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller and Dell OpenManage Server Administrator use SMART to
provide alert content.
Remaining rated write endurance
The NVMe PCIe SSD is warrantied to a maximum amount of data written to the device in total bytes written. The NVMe PCIe SSD self
monitors for these limits, and software management applications notify you when you reach these limits.
If you continue to write to the device after it reaches the threshold of total bytes written, the amount of time the NVMe
PCIe SSD retains data while powered off decreases below device specifications. For more information, see the technical
specification sheet for your SSD.
NVMe PCIe SSD overview