Jumpers and connectors
This section provides essential and specific information about jumpers and switches. It also describes the connectors on the
various boards in the system. Jumpers on the system board help to disable the system and reset the passwords. To install
components and cables correctly, you must be able to identify the connectors on the system board.
Disabling a forgotten password
System board connectors
Figure 94. System board jumpers and connectors
1. Front I/O connector
2. Backplane power (SIG_PWR_0)
3. DIMMs for processor 1 (CPU 1) channels A,B,C,D
4. Processor 1 (CPU 1)
5. DIMMs for processor 2 (CPU 2) channels A,B,C,D
6. Processor 2 (CPU 2)
7. MEZZ connector A (MEZZ_A1)
8. Internal USB (INT_USB1_3.0)
9. MEZZ connector B (MEZZ_B1)
10. Power connector
11. Jumbo PERC / Mini MEZZ connector C (Mini_MEZZ_C1)
12. DIMMs for processor 2 (CPU 2) channels E,F,G,H
13. PCIe connector 3 (SL3_CPU2_PA2)
14. BOSS (M.2) / IDSDM
15. DIMMs for processor 1 (CPU 1) channels E,F,G,H
16. PERC connector
17. Coin cell battery
18. SATA connector (SL6_PCH_SA1)
19. TPM connector
20. NVRAM_CLR (Jumper)
21. PWRD_EN (Jumper)
22. PCIe connector 2 (SL2_CPU1_PB1)
23. PCIe connector 1 (SL1_CPU1_PA1)
Jumpers and connectors