Features of BOSS-N1
Hot–plugging M.2 drives in BOSS-N1 Monolithic form factor
Identify M.2 drives by using LEDs
Predictive failure analysis using the SMART feature
Hot–plugging M.2 drives in BOSS-N1 Monolithic form
The unique controller design of the BOSS-N1 Monolithic carrier card allows you to hot plug M.2 drives. This feature reduces the
possibility of downtime during M.2 replacement.
The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) and Lifecycle Controller (LC) logs for the hot–plug events of
M.2 drives are generated.
Identify M.2 drives by using LEDs
BOSS-N1 Controller supports Activity and Status LEDs.
Activity LED actions can be triggered by M.2 drive itself, it will blink Green during rebuild and I/O operations.
Activity LED—The activity LED is triggered when an activity is initiated in M.2 drives.
Status LED—The status LED is driven based on the drive status as mentioned in the following table:
Table 5. Status LED state
Status LED state
Drive is online
BLINK - Amber
Drive is failed or has become SMART trip
BLINK - Green
Drive is located or identified
The locate or identify functionality is triggered using iDRAC and OpenManage
Server Administrator (OMSA).
Drive is not present
Secure firmware update
Dell BOSS-N1 controller supports secure firmware update of BOSS-N1 controller firmware images. This means that each of the
firmware components is authenticated before being flashed. Authentication requires the use of a public/private asymmetric key
pair. If a firmware image is not authentic or any component with the image is not authentic, firmware image will not be flashed.
Features of BOSS-N1