The following table provides the ports required between Converged Systems for ELM functionality:
Required For
Node to Node
This port must be open on the local and all
remote instances of vCenter Server. This
is the LDAP port number for the Directory
Services for the vCenter Server group. If
another service is running on this port, it
might be preferable to remove it or change
its port to a different port. You can run the
LDAP service on any port from 1025
through 65535.
Windows installations
and appliance
deployments of
Platform Services
Controller vCenter
Server to Platform
Services Controller
Platform Services
Controller to Platform
Services Controller
vCenter Server to
Platform Services
Platform Services
Controller to Platform
Services Controller
Control Interface RPC for vCenter Single
Windows installations
and appliance
deployments of
Platform Services
Platform Services
Controller to Platform
Services Controller
DNS Management
Windows installations
and appliance
deployments of
Platform Services
Platform Services
Controller to Platform
Services Controller
Refer to the following VMware KB article for additional information for VMware vSphere 6.5U1
communication port requirements:
VMware vSphere 6.5U1 management traffic must have its QoS marking extended across any metro or
WAN links connecting separate physical data centers.
VMware vSphere 6.5U1 ELM configurations must use consistent IP MTU sizes with physical and logical
network switches and VMkernel ports.
VMware ELM scalability planning (vSphere 6.5U1)
Determine the number of PSCs and VMware vCenter servers that are needed for an ELM configuration
with VMware vSphere 6.5U1 in a SSO Domain and SSO site.
Complete an ELM scalability assessment to determine if the requested number of PSCs and VMware
vCenter servers is compatible with VMware vSphere 6.5U1 configuration maximum limits. Refer to the
following link for the latest VMware vSphere 6.5U1 ELM configuration maximums:
Configuring VMware Enhanced Linked Mode (vSphere 6.5U1)