Console Port LEDs
System LEDs
The system LEDs, located on the fro
panel, provide information about the
power supplies, thermal conditions, and diagnostics.
Table 1-8 shows the System LED definitions for the Dell EMC Networking
N2200 switches.
Table 1-7. Console Port LED Definitions
Color Definition
Link/SPD LED Off
There is no link.
Solid green
A link is present.
Table 1-8. N2200-ON Series System LED Definitions
Color Definition
Solid green
Normal operation.
Blinking green
The switch is booting.
Solid amber
Major fault. Displays summary of all major
faults within the switch.
Flashing amber Minor fault. Displays summary of all minor
faults within the switch.
Solid red
A critical system error has occurred.
Blinking red
A noncritical system error occurred (fan or
power supply failure).
There is no power or the switch has experienced
a power failure.
Solid green
Power to the switch is on.
Solid amber
POST in progress.
Flashing amber Power supply fault.
Solid green
The fan is powered and is operating at the
expected RPM.
Flashing amber A fan fault has occurred.