2. At the front of the cabinet, insert the two adaptors on the front of the rail into the correct holes in the 2U space.
3. Insert one screw into the lower hole to hold the front of the rails in place. Do not fully tighten the screw at this time.
An 18-inch screwdriver (minimum) is required to install the screw into the rear of the rails.
4. At the rear of the cabinet, align and insert the two adaptors on the rear of the rail with the mounting holes in the NEMA
channel. Make sure the rail is level.
5. Use an 18-inch screwdriver (minimum) to secure the rear of the rail to the NEMA channel using one screw.
6. Tighten the front screw.
7. Repeat for the other rail.
Install the system into a rack
About this task
Data Domain systems are heavy. Always use two people or a mechanical lift to move a system.
Install the System in the Rack