Dekolink Wireless Ltd.;16 Bazel St.Qiryat-Arieh Petah-Tikva Israel, 49510
Tel- 972-3-9180-180; Fax-972-3-
Electrical Specifications
Downlink frequency range
851- 869 MHz
935 - 941 MHz
Uplink frequency range
806 - 824 MHz
896 - 902 MHz
Pass band gain @min attenuation
80 dB nominal
Pass band ripple
2 dB typical
Manual attenuation range
0 to 30 dB in 2 dB step
Noise figure @max gain
6.0 dB max
V.S.W.R In/Out
1.5: 1 max
AGC selection
By ON/OFF Switch
AGC attenuation range
25 dB typical
AGC LED indication
LED turn ON when power reaches AGC Set
Power Level. (both at On and Off positions).
Composite power
+25 dBm nom.
AGC factory power preset
+24 dBm nom.
3rd Order output spurious
48 dBc typical for 2 s20 dBm each
3rd Order output Intercept point
+44 dBm typical
Downlink alarm turn on
DL power <15 dBm
Power Supply
110/220V AC, 50-60 Hz /50 Watt
Web site-
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