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This solution will bring the dimmer level in error stage if the connection to the wiper or the supply voltage is lost,
and it will go to max backlight if the 0V connection is lost (or the resistor is broken). This will be a good solution in
most cases. It can be improved slightly by adding a resistor to +24V as well so that a lost 0V connection also will
bring the dimmer in error stage. For example, 500
Ω in top and bottom will decrease the dimmer voltage span to
20V from 2V to 22 V and you will have to adjust the dimmer levels in the user menu accordingly.
Share analogue data via CAN
All analogue input data for an indicator can be shared on CAN. Data sharing state is predefined in the VI-setup
profile. If sharing is turned off, you may activate it from the installation menu (adjust input).
It is possible to share XDi analogue or digital input data either on: CAN1, CAN2 or CAN1&2 or turn XDi-net sharing
Data that is shared is the variable XDi-net data defined in the XDi specific object index table, and is in most cases
2 byte data, a 16 bit signed value. Data is always scaled to an absolute value with a defined unit or a relative %
value in both cases it with be with a predefined data resolution. (Very often the internal data resolution is 0.1, this
means that the data value you will find in the menu is x10 the value presented in the display, for example rudder
angle value 450 is in fact 45.0°.)
The data resolution for different variable data can be found in the XDi-net/CANopen reference manual.
Special data formats
In the XDi-N version there are some special navigation data formats, for example Latitude/ Longitude (position) and
time and data that has special 32 bit data formats and will be transferred via XDi-net it those formats.
Share data in a TPDO
It is also possible to configure XDi to send variable data from the object index table using a TPDO or RPDO format.
Due to the complexity this feature is something that is added to the indicators VS profile for the data types it is
relevant to send in a TPDO or RPDO. When this is implemented, it is possible to adjust the settings like the COBID
used, transmission rate, CAN bus to use and other relevant parameters via the installation menu / output setup.
Some standard libraries contain virtual indicators with analogue VS profiles where TPDO output is made available.
This is for example the case with the XDi standard rudder libraries.
In most libraries you must activate the TPDO function via the XDi menu, this is simply to avoid that more than one
XDi is transmitting data using the same TPDO, this will violate the CAN protocol and most likely cause serious data
So only one XDi must transmit a given TPDO on the selected CAN bus !
This TPDO output function is intended for system integration with XL indicators using sCAN format, but may also
be used for other types of system integration.
Standard TPDOs intended for XL integration will have COBID in the range 0x180 to 0x1FF and will have their
variable data located in byte 0 and 1 (I16).
The sCAN integration is available for DEIF XL, BW, BRW-2 and TRI-2 CAN indicators.
In the XDi data structure most data is of type I16, but there are a few XDi-N data types as mentioned that contains
more than 16 bits of data (for example Position and UTC time and date).
Mapping several data types in one TPDO
In customised libraries, up to 4 data types (I16 or U16) may be mapped into the 8 byte data field of any of the
’s or RPDO’s defined in CANopen.
Please consult the dedicated document: 4189350066A “XDi-net CANopen reference manual“ for details.