Ensure that the voltage is 230V 50Hz. Also check that the model and capacity matches those of the in-
door unit.
Select a position for the outdoor unit which allows for the shortest possible unobstructed pipe length.
Ensure that the air intake and discharge are unobstructed and that there is enough room for servicing.
Provide a concrete base or sturdy mounting plate and bolt the unit down using anti-vibration pads to
reduce vibration and noise.
Due to the use of resilient, rubber compressor mountings, it is no longer necessary to remove the outer
cover and loosen the compressor mounting nuts.
Two service valves are provided for ease of installation and servicing. They have gauge ports and
Schrader valves.
Connect, evacuate and charge the unit in the following manner:-
(a) Connect the piping between the indoor and outdoor units. Use a drop of refrigerant oil when form-
ing the flares and ensure that they are without burrs and are of the correct shape and size.
(b) Connect the suction and discharge gauges to the gauge ports and evacuate the piping and the indoor
unit using a good vacuum pump.
(c) When a low vacuum has been achieved, close the valves and the gauge manifolds and fully open
the liquid and suction service valves with an allan key.
(d) Test for leaks before operating the unit.
NOTE:- The condensing unit has a full gas charge of R22 refrigerant which should be suffi-
cient for a back-to-back installation with 1/4” and 1/2” copper tubing. When the required in-
terconnecting piping is more than 9m, an additional 20g/m of refrigerant must be added.
(e) The additional refrigerant can be added either immediately after evacuation of the system or in va-
pour form when the unit is running.
Start up of the unit:
Set the thermostat to the coldest position with the fan on maximum and push
the Heating / Cooling button. A 2.5 to 3.0 minute time delay will be experienced before the com-
pressor starts.
(g) Run the unit and observe the pressures and temperatures.
The condensing temperature should be approximately 16°C to 18°C higher than the outdoor ambient
temperature. The above should not be used as a charging method and is only a guide for new air-cooled
split systems and air-cooled units with clean condensers and an unrestricted airflow.
Operate the unit using all functions i.e.; fan only, heating, cooling and at various fan speeds. Ensure
that the unit operates efficiently and quietly. Disconnect the gauges and check that all the screws that
were removed have been replaced.
Advise the customer how to operate the unit and explain the various features.
Installation of the Outdoor unit