Each camera has unique identifier (
U2-xxxxxxxx). The password is not required in order to connect using the
default settings but nevertheless it is recommended to set a password for camera access through the
tab of
Note. If you forgot the built-in access point password, reset the camera settings to default (see
The sequence of actions that are required to connect with the camera depends on the operating system of the mobile
phone or tablet, since iOS does not allow applications to connect to wireless networks without user, while Android
allows doing the same.
There may be some differences from the instructions below and the actual menus, depending on the type of device
and operating system version.
10.1 Accessing the camera and viewing video stream
10.1.1 For iOS device users.
In order to connect to the camera, iOS users have to do the following:
1. Switch the camera to
“Access Point”
mode, using the MODE
button (the
should be green and should not flash)
2. Using the mobile device or tablet go to
connect to the wireless network created by the camera.
3. Start the
application and press the button with camera
Note. If the application have already been launched, it is important
to close it (stop application) and launch it again.
4. The camera streaming window will start.
10.1.2 For Android device users.
In order to connect to the camera, Androind users have to do the following: