2. If you have previously installed the driver from the setup disk, the folder
with drivers will be located as specified below:
System disk:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\PAC7302 (for 64-bit
operating systems)
System disk:\Program Files\Common Files\PAC7302 (for 32-bit operating
We recommend copying the PAC7302 folder to the System root disk or any
other disk available in the system.
3. Launch the Devices Manager (see the launching procedure above) and
connect your webcam.
4. Right click on the Unknown device icon and select Properties. In the
popup window select the Driver tab, then select Refresh.
5. Select Search for drivers on this computer.
6. Press Browse.
Select the folder which the driver was unzipped to for manual installation
and press OK.
7. Select Install this driver in any case. Wait until the installation completion
window appears.
8. When the driver is installed press Close in the popup window.
9. In the Image Processing Devices section the Devices Manager will have
a PC Camera device listed.
After installation is finished, restart the computer.
Note: In some cases, depending on the computer configuration and
software, a different layout of windows and other operations procedure
are possible. If user rights are restricted, we recommend contacting the
computer administrator or use the computer administrator account.