It is recommend t hat you run a was h cy cle with the
dishwasher empt y an d the n remove the plug from the
sock et, turn off the wa ter supp ly and leave the door of
the appliance slightly open. This w ill help the d oor
seals to l ast l onger and prevent odours from forming
withi n the appliance.
If the appliance must be moved, tr y to keep it in the
vertical position. If absolutely necessary, it can be
positioned on its back.
One of the factors that cau se odours to form in the
n the seals.
Periodic cleaning with a damp sponge will prevent t his
from occurring.
is rema inin g food s trapped i
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always
remove the plug from the socket.
To cle an the e xterior a nd r ubber p arts of the di shw asher,
do not use solvents or abr asive cle ani ng products.
O nly use a clo th w ith warm so apy water.
To rem ove spots o r st ains from the sur face of t he
interi or, use a cloth da mpened wit h water a n a little
vinegar, o r a cleaning pro duct mad e speci fical ly for
dishw ashers.
Remove the Plug
No Solvents or Abrasive Cleaning
Moving the Appliance
After ever y wash, turn off t he water supply to the
appliance and leave the door slight ly op en so that
m oisture and odours are not tra pped inside.
After Every Wash
W hen not in use for a
Th e installation of t he pipes
and electrical equipments
should be done by professionals .
Electrical Shock
electrical power
Failu re to d o so can result in death or electrical shock.
Hazard. Disconnect
before installing
The i nstallation positi on of dishwasher sho uld be ne ar t he existi ng in let and drain hoses and power co rd.
O ne side of the ca binet sink should be chosen t o facilitate the connection of drain hoses of the dis hwa sher.
Installation preparation
Note: please che ck the accompanying installation accessories(hook for aes thetic panel, screw)