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Summary of Contents for DPE7400X


Page 2: ...1 1 1 1 1 1 RECOMMENDED NOT recommended NOT permitted 1 1 4 100 mm 1 1 2 1 1 3 CONSEILLE NON autoris NON conseill...

Page 3: ...5 Minimum distance for flammable materials 50 mm for non flammable materials 50 mm size x 1 1 5 1 Mur 2 Rev tement niche mesure x paisseur rev tement 3 Plan de travail 4 Encoche dans le plan de travai...

Page 4: ...1 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 10...

Page 5: ...1 C ble L marron Cable L brown PHASE PHASE C ble N bleu Cable N blue NEUTRE NEUTRAL C ble vert jaune Cable green yellow TERRE EARTH 1 1 11 1 1 12...

Page 6: ...2 5 Ferm Closed 2 1 2 Service Service S rie Serial 5 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 1...

Page 7: ...rr sistible envie de toucher Le design De Dietrich capitalise sur des mat riaux robustes et prestigieux l authentique est privil gi En associant la technologie la plus volu e aux mat riaux nobles De D...

Page 8: ...nagers en le remettant gratuitement un centre de tri s lectif pour les appareils lectriques et lectroniques ou en le retournant au revendeur au moment de l achat d un nouvel appareil quivalent L util...

Page 9: ...rence future L installation l entretien et les r parations doivent tre effectu s par un technicien agr conform ment aux normes en vigueur Le fabricant d cline toute responsabilit en cas de dommages m...

Page 10: ...utilisation et restent chauds pendant un certain temps apr s l avoir teint Tenir les enfants l cart de l appareil jusqu ce qu il soit compl tement refroidi pour viter qu ils ne se br lent Faire tr s...

Page 11: ...a plaque sans surveillance quand elle est en marche La cuisson automatique sur la table de cuisson avec de la graisse ou de l huile peut tre dangereuse et provoquer un INCENDIE Ne pas tenter d teindre...

Page 12: ...ger les mains en utilisant des gants ou maniques Le tissu des gants ou maniques ne doit pas tre mouill ni humide L humidit augmente en effet la conductivit thermique et le risque de br lures par la v...

Page 13: ...plaque chaude L isolation du cordon peut tre endommag Danger d lectrocution Si l appareil est mont derri re une porte du meuble l utiliser uniquement en laissant la porte ouverte Fermer la porte uniqu...

Page 14: ...t connect un conducteur de protection r pondant aux normes Il est tr s important de s assurer que cette condition soit pr sente car elle est fondamentale pour la s curit En cas de doute faire contr le...

Page 15: ...igine l utilisation exclusive de pi ces de rechange d origine garantit le respect des normes de s curit S il devient n cessaire de remplacer le c ble de connexion car il est endommag il doit tre rempl...

Page 16: ...installer une fiche sur le c ble d alimentation celui ci doit supporter les 16 amp res pour tre branch une prise Par contre quand l appareil est connect directement l alimentation lectrique un dispos...

Page 17: ...des objets tranchants ou des substances corrosives En cas d installation d entretien ou de r paration l appareil doit tre d connect du secteur D brancher l interrupteur principal de l installation lec...

Page 18: ...hapitre Instructions g n rales pour le montage encastr Toutes les mesures sont indiqu es en mm Distance de s curit Si la plaque est install e sous une hotte d aspiration la distance de s curit indiqu...

Page 19: ...lev es peuvent modifier ou endom mager les mat riaux 1 1 5 Si le rev tement est un mat riau inflammable par exemple en bois la distance min 5 entre l encoche du plan de travail et le rev tement DOIT...

Page 20: ...Les fentes 1 et la zone en pointill s indiqu es sur l image doivent tre lisses et parfaitement planes afin que le cadre du plan de cuisson repose bien et que le joint appliqu sous le bord puisse gara...

Page 21: ...disjoncteur diff rentiel peut se d clencher D brancher l appareil du r seau lectrique Pour d brancher l appareil du r seau selon l installation proc der comme d crit ci apr s Fusibles extraire compl t...

Page 22: ...tionnement de l appareil Ce voyant indique quand l appareil est allum ON Ce voyant chauffage s teint quand la temp rature s lectionn e est atteinte Ce voyant chaleur r siduelle permet de contr ler la...

Page 23: d incendie Conseils pour la cuisson Avant chaque utilisation nettoyer la plaque l aide d un chiffon humide pour enlever la poussi re ou autres r sidus Pr chauffer la plaque pendant environ 8 10 mi...

Page 24: ...e chaque c t 180 B uf bien cuit 10 12 min Tourner toutes les 4 min environ Le teppanyaki peut galement tre utilis pour fournir un grand plan de cuisson id al pour la cuisson feu doux mijoter Utiliser...

Page 25: ...nettoyants abrasifs objets pointus pour viter d endommager le joint entre la table de cuisson et le plan de travail En utilisant un produit pour nettoyer l acier inoxydable respecter les instructions...


Page 27: correctement les r parations peuvent s rieusement compromettre la s curit de l utilisateur Toute maintenance et r paration de l quipement doivent tre effectu es par votre revendeur ou personnel au...

Page 28: in perfect harmony with the others Next comes the irresistible urge to touch it De Dietrich design makes extensive use of robust and prestigious materials where the accent is piace firmly upon aut...

Page 29: ...harge to a separate collection centre for electrical and electronic equipment or returning it to the retailer at the time of purchase of new equivalent equipment The user is responsible for taking the...

Page 30: ...tallation maintenance and repairs must be carried out by an authorised technician in accordance with the current regulations The manufacturer declines all responsibility in the event of damage to prop...

Page 31: ...le parts become very hot during use and remain hot for some time after having been turned off Keep children away from the appliance until it has completely cooled down to protect them from the risk of...

Page 32: ...ATTENTION Do not leave the plate unattended while it is operating Automatic cooking on the cooking surface with grease or oil can be dangerous and can cause a FIRE Do not attempt to extinguish a fire...

Page 33: ...ble knobs or pot holders The material of the knobs or pot holders must not be wet or damp In fact humidity increases thermal conductivity and the risk of burns from the steam that is generated Do not...

Page 34: ...The cord insulation may be damaged Danger of electric shock If the appliance is mounted behind a unit door only operate it with the door open Only close the door when the appliance and the heat indic...

Page 35: ...d if the appliance is connected to a compliant protective conductor It is very important to make sure that this condition is verified as it is fundamental to safety If in doubt have the electrical sys...

Page 36: parts the use only of original spare parts ensures compliance with the safety standards If it is necessary to replace a damaged power cord it must be replaced with an equivalent cord H05GG F or H05...

Page 37: ...s To install a plug on the power cord this must support 16 amps to be connected to an outlet Instead when the appliance is connected directly to the power supply a device for omnipolar disconnection i...

Page 38: ...sleeves Make sure that the cord is not crushed or rolled up on itself and does not come into contact with liquids of any kind sharp objects or corrosive substances In case of installation maintenance...

Page 39: ...ion from the worktop see chapter General instructions for flush mounting All measurements are indicated in mm Safety distance If the plate is installed under an extractor hood the safety distance indi...

Page 40: ...the following measurements as high temperatures can modify or damage the mate rials 1 1 5 If the covering is made of flammable material e g wood the minimum distance 5 between the worktop and the cove...

Page 41: ...ed if the appliance were to be removed from the recess hole 1 1 9 Worktop with Tiles 1 1 10 The slots 1 and the dashed area indicated in the image must be smooth and perfectly level so that the cookin...

Page 42: ...advisable to set up a differential circuit breaker circuit breaker with a trip current corresponding to 30 mA With 100 mA protection after prolonged shutdown of the device the differential circuit br...

Page 43: ...of the device This light indicates when the appliance is switched on ON This Heating indicator light goes out when the selected temperature is reached This Residual heat indicator allows checking of...

Page 44: Before each use clean the plate with a damp cloth to remove dust or other residues Preheat the plate for approximately 8 to 10 minutes Set the power level that will then be used for cooking U...

Page 45: ...3 min 180 Rare beef 10 min 4 5 min on each side 180 Well done beef 10 12 min Turn them approximately every 4 min The teppanyaki can also be used to provide an ideal large cooking surface for low heat...

Page 46: ...ergents pointed objects to avoid damaging the seal between the cooking surface and the work top When using a stainless steel cleaning product follow the manufacturer s instructions Always rinse the su...

Page 47: ...20 EN PERSONAL NOTE...

Page 48: ...anic who is an authorized agent for the brand appliances When making an appointment state the full reference of your equipment model type and serial number This information appears on the manufacturer...
