In the event of acci
dental spillage
Individual precautions:
Avoid contact with the skin and eyes.
Do not intervene without appropriate protective equipment.
Do not inhale the vapours.
Evacuate the hazardous area.
Stop the leakage.
Eradicate all sources of ignition.
Ventilate the spillage area mechanically.
Cleaning / decontamination: allow any residual product to evaporate.
In the event of contact with the eyes: Rinse immediately with water,
holding the eyelids well apart (for at least 15 minutes). Consult an oph
thalmologist immediately.
Technical measures: ventilation
Precautions to be taken:
No smoking.
Prevent the build-up of electrostatic charges.
Work in a well ventilated place.
Personal protection
Respiratory protection:
If ventilation is insufficient: AX type cartridge mask.
In confined spaces: self-contained breathing apparatus.
Hand protection: protective gloves in leather or nitrile rubber.
Eye protection: safety glasses with side protection.
Skin protection: clothing made principally of cotton
Industrial hygiene: do not drink, eat or smoke at the place of work.
Considerations on dis
Disposal must be done in compliance with prevailing lo
cal and national regulations.
Product waste: consult the manufacturer or the supplier for informa
tion on recovery or recycling.
Soiled packaging: reuse or recycle after decontamination. Destroy in
authorised installations.
Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and re
pealing Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006.
Manufacturer's liability
Our products are manufactured in compliance with the
requirements of the various Directives applicable. They
are therefore delivered with the marking and any
documents necessary. In the interests of the quality of
our products, we strive constantly to improve them. We
therefore reserve the right to modify the specifications
given in this document.
1 Safety
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