Document history
Date 29.04.2009
Initial version of the documentv1.0
Date 23.06.2009
Revision v1.1
Date 09.12.2009
Revision v1.4 Added AT commands EC and ET. Corrected the
AM command format.
Date 08.02.2010
Revision v1.5 Bug related to incomplete flushing of transmit
buffer when sending data by full-buffer criteria, corrected.
Corrected bug related to saving of parameters which haven't
been saved with ATWR command while exiting command
mode. New function introduced to keep the same bps and data
format while entering command mode with +++ sequence.
New function that set speed to 9600 bps and data format to 8N1
while entering command mode with SET pushbutton. Bug
related to same speed 9600 bps while entering command mode
with SET pushbutton, corrected.
Date 24.05.2011
New parameter ReceiverThreshold added for setting of receive
level in Sleep mode and averaging RSSI values for arbitration
of receiver wakeup.