USBBootloader.exe is the tool software to update firmware into the USB SerialDevice Board developed by Decision Computer.
When you get a new version of firmware (.hex), you can follow the steps to update firmware to the board.
1. Remove the external input signal Voltage and only support device power.
2. Set Board Id 15 (All on) for Update Mode and press the Reset button.
3. Connect PC to the Board by USB
4. If this is the first to use this function, please indicate the driver install path to the Driver Folder to install the driver.
5. Open the Software USBBootloader.exe and press the Open button and indicate the hex file and then press the Download button
to update firmware.
6. Set Board Id between 0 ~ 14 and press Reset button and connect PC again.
The remote control of Decision USB products by LAN
or wireless with a remote-PC is very simple with a multi
port USB Server
Because no driver should be installed to the installation
and programming is very easy.
Under Windows, are the external USB I/O directly in the
Device Manager and can be connect or control such as
in the original host PC.
Connector and Jumper for Serial Communication (J3) To use RS422/RS485/RS232, please connect J2 to extension board by 10
pins flat cable. (Optional)
Enable Serial Port (J3)
J3 is used enable serial port communication, when short the J3, means enable serial port, otherwise, when open the J3, the serial
port communication is disable.
Communication J 2/3 - only option!
USB byLAN or Wireless
Firmware Update Manual