EC-20, EC-10 and EC-5 User’s Manual
3. Installing the Sensors
use an augur to reach the desired depth, then use the
Installation Kit with extension rods to install the
2. Use a thin implement like a trenching shovel, gar-
dening spade, or flat bar to make a pilot hole in the
soil. Then insert the sensor into the hole, making
sure the entire length of the sensor is covered.
Finally, insert the shovel again into the soil a few
inches away from the sensor, and gently force soil
toward the sensor to provide good contact between
the sensor and the soil. For deeper installation, exca-
vate down to the level you wish to measure, then
install the sensor as described.
For the EC-5:
1. The EC-5 sensor was designed for easy installation
into the soil. After digging a hole to the desired
depth, push the prongs on the sensor into undis-
turbed soil at the bottom of the hole or into the side-
wall of the hole. Make sure that the prongs are
buried completely up to the black overmolding, as
shown below.