Mass Storage Shelf
The mass storage shelf extends across the top of the enclosure. The shelf
contains a system control panel (SCP), tape drive, and up to three RF-series
ISEs (tapeless systems can have up to four RF-series ISEs). Each ISE has
its own panel with controls and indicators. Instructions for using ISEs and
the TF85, TK70 or TLZ04 tape drive are in Chapter 3. The SCP is to the
right of the storage devices. Figure 1–6 shows the mass storage shelf.
Figure 1–6:
Mass Storage Shelf
Tape Drive
System Control Panel (SCP)
DC OK Indicator
Over Temperature
Warning Indicator
Halt Button
Restart Button
The SCP has two indicators: the Over Temperature Warning indicator
and the DC OK indicator. The red Over Temperature Warning indicator
flashes to indicate that the system’s internal temperature is approaching
a level that may cause system components to overheat.
In addition
to the flashing Over Temperature Warning indicator, an audible alarm
also provides warning of a possible over temperature condition.
If the
components continue to heat, the system will automatically shut down to
prevent components from being damaged. Chapter 2 provides instruction
for turning on the system after a preventive shutdown due to overheat
The green DC OK indicator shows that the power supply voltages are within
the correct operating range. If the DC OK indicator is not lit when the
system power is on, refer to the VAX 4000 Model 200 Troubleshooting and
Diagnostics manual included in the Customer Hardware Information Kit.
Below the indicators are the Halt and Restart buttons. The Halt button
is a two-position button. When you press the button, the system halts. A
red indicator on the Halt button lights when the button is set to the in
VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Operation