Dean Forge Fabrication Ltd. Dean Prior, Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0LS
T e l: 0 1 3 6 4 6 4 3 5 7 4
w w w.d e a n
–f o r g e.c o.u k e m a i l: s t o v e s @ d e a n-f o r g e.c o.u k
Operating Instructions For The Dean Forge Dartmoor Inset Stove
All stoves meet the essential type test requirement BS EN13229:2001 +
A1:2003 +A 2:2004
Safety Note
The external parts of the appliance will get very hot to the touch and due care will be
needed when operating.
All stoves before being operated must be checked that the installation complies to all local, national
and European standards.
Before the stove is first used or when fitting other appliances into the room, please check that adequate
air vents are in place to cover the requirements of such appliances.
Extractor fans
when operating in the same room or space as the appliance may cause problems.
Wood & Suitable fuels
Dry wood, 18% moisture content or below must be used or the stove and flue will tar up and the
door won’t stay clean.
Wood is best seasoned by splitting it into a log and drying it out for 2 years in a covered area so the air
can pass. Peat can also be used but must be dry.
When used as a Multi Fuel use only fuels recommended for enclosed appliances.
Please Note:
Appliances should not be used as general incinerators or with non-recommended fuels.
At no time
should liquid accelerants I.e: Paraffin, Petrol, BBQ lighting liquid Etc be used.
The chimney needs to be swept at least once a year.