If you decide to use double servo, glue holle in wing front. And prepare location for servos, cut servo
size hole in both SFG’s as shown. Having two aileron servos will require little more work to setup but
in my opinion it worth time spending time, because you will receive few obvious advantages. First it
will be much easier to place battery where ever you want. And our goal is to place all equipment as
best as we can to achieve right center of gravity without battery. In this case we can cut holle above
center of gravity and this way we can use different size and weight batteries without changing CG.
Second advantage of double servo is ability to have flaps. Flaps/elevator mix can give some unique
and crazy maneuvers. And last but not least when you use two servos for ailerons control horn is
located in middle of aileron so end of aileron does not twist that much.
Fiberglass cloth is ussed to reinforce are where
control horn will be located. Try to have short
carbon rod and precise attachment of servo to
aileron with no play. Picture show ball link
connected to first version of hardware. Same as
with single servo there are two options ofr
connection of carbon rod to horn. You can use Z
bends, ore option that i recommend to buy by
yourself (Trex 250 ball links.)
NOTE: Hardware is picture is slightly different
from one you receive in kit.
Now it’s time to prepare elevator servo. Here is example how you can save wight on Jr290 G, again
bolts of servo case is removed, same as plastic bottom part. Beffore making this change use hi
quality tape (my favorite is 3D blenderm tape) to locktip servo cases together. You can cut down
weight to 7,4g, and that is very good weight for such level digital servo. This JR servo have very
goodset of gears that provide long life time, and no play for many flights. I use and recommend this
servo for both elevator and rudder control.
Here you can see servo arm prepared for
elevator pull pull. I take original servo arm
from Jr290, cut 50mm x 1,5mm carbon rod and
glue it to servo arm. Same as with aileron
servo before gluing carbon rod to servo arm
first i put 0 sub trim and trim on my radio.This
way you will have same traveling to both