To store spices in the freezer or fridge
When storing spices, you need to prevent their flavors from escaping.
Store it in a dry place out of reach of direct sunlight. The freezer or fridge
compartment is the best suitable place to store spices.
To store potatoes freshly
Because potato buds contain toxins, you need to get rid of the buds. To store
potatoes that went sprout up, wrap them with the paper, put it in a plastic bag
and store it in the fruit drawer. You can enjoy fresh potatoes for an extended
period of time.
To store honey not to be frozen
Store it in the freezer compartment. Higher quality honey becomes white and
harder when being stored in the fridge compartment. It is because its glucoses
become crystallized. Its quality will not be affected but it gets hard to dissolve it in
water and to handle it. When you put it in the freezer compartment, you can
keep it in its original liquid state.
To freeze food properly
There are none-appropriate foods to freeze such as vegetables, eggs, tofu and
devil's tong jelly.
You can freeze meat without salting but it's best to salt and freeze it.
To speed up freezing
When freezing food slowly, the property of food will be damaged resulting in
loss of taste. To speed up the freezing process, select the POWER FRE.
How to store food
How to freeze food properly
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