Step 4: Modem activation
Have an active data account:
If you have an active account with a network carrier, please
click on to access the Access Point Status page.
Under Internet Connection click on to start an active
connection to the network. Then your current connection status
information on the network will be displayed.
Network mode will display Inactive until modem has completed
hands-free activation process and your device WAN IP will be displayed.
Restoring Factory Defaults
Warning: Restoring the router to factory default settings will result in
deleting any saved router configuration settings, all settings will be lost.
Restoring factory default setting on the DCS-559 can be done in two ways:
Option 1: While the router is powered on, press the RESET button 5-10 seconds
to reset to factory default settings.
Option 2: Using the DCS-559 Web User Interface management portal, click
Settings button and click Admin tab, and select Settings. Locate
Load Factory Defaults and click Load Default to recover the
configuration to factory default settings.
DCS-559 Router will disconnect from 3G network connection
and will automatically reboot.
Connection Status: Displays the current networks upload
and download speeds.
Wireless Management: Displays the current router wireless 802.11 name.
To modify, click
and then
for the settings to take
Default Wireless SSID: DCS559_xxxx [XXXX represents the last 4 values
of MAC address].
802.11 Wireless Security:
This icon means the 802.11 network is secured.
This icon means the 802.11 wireless connections are unsecured.
To secure your 802.11 wireless connections, click the icon and generate
your own password.
User Management Password:
The default password is admin. You can manually modify the login password
by clicking the button on the home page. Click
once you have modified your password.
System Info: Displays router system information.
Internet Connection: Displays the wide area connection status, connection
type and network address information of the cellular
Local Network: Displays the local area connection status and network
address information.
Network Information
Use the DCS-559 Web user interface to review network information status,
click Settings tab, select Admin, then select Status to view system status.