© Copyright 2003 DB Industries, Inc.
User Instruction Manual
Salalift® and Salalift® II Winches
8101000 and 8102001 Series
This manual is intended to meet industry
standards, including OSHA 1910.146 and
ANSI Z117.1, and should be used as part
of an employee training program as
required by OSHA.
This product is to be used as part of a complete system. The
user must follow the manufacturer's instructions for each component of the
complete system. These instructions must be provided to the user of this
equipment. Manufacturer's instructions must be followed for proper use and
maintenance of this product. Alterations or misuse of this product, or failure
to follow instructions may result in serious injury or death.
If you have questions on the use, care, application, or
suitability for use of this safety equipment, contact DBI/SALA.
Before using this equipment record the product identification
information from the ID label on the winch in the inspection and
maintenance log in section 9.0 of this manual.
The 8101000, 8101002, 8101004, and 8101006 Salalift
Series Manually Operated Winches are classified by Under-
writers Laboratories, Inc. as to the 350 lbs. load capacity