DS-1000 Operating Manual
Additional Capabilities
page 5
1.0 Installation & Taking I-V Curves
Basic Description
The standard DS-1000 Tracer has three user selectable current ranges (1, 10
and 100 Amperes), three automatically selected voltage ranges (10, 100, and
1000 Volts), two irradiance and two temperature measurement inputs. Unless
otherwise noted, this manual refers to standard DS-1000 models.
A computer running the IVPC for Windows program controls the DS-Tracer. The
computer running the IVPC application may be connected to the DS-Tracer by
RS-232 serial or USB.
Most DS-Tracer operations are performed with the IVPC program. Refer to the
IVPC help system for details on operating the DS-1000 I-V Tracer. However, the
basic steps for using the DS-Tracer are:
Install and run IVPC for Windows.
Connect the DS-Tracer to the computer (either RS-232 or USB).
Connect pyranometers and thermocouples to DS-Tracer.
Turn on the tracer power and connect DS-Tracer test leads to PV array.
From the “Curve” menu, select New I-V Curve or press the “New Curve” button on
the toolbar.
Enter curve information.
Press the “Take Curve” button when ready to sweep the I-V curve.
IVPC automatically displays the I-V curve and adds it to the IVPC worksheet.
To proceed with the Installation & Quick-Start, the following are needed:
DS-Tracer I-V curve tracer and test leads.
IVPC CD-ROM or IVPC download from
PC computer running the Microsoft Windows® operating system (XP through 8).
Serial or USB cable to connect a computer to the DS-Tracer.