Right Handlebar
1) Light Switch - Th ere are 3 positions for the
lights. Th e furthest right position leaves the
lights off . Th e middle position will have rear
running lights and left most position has all the
2) Flasher - Press this to fl ick the headlights on
and off
3) 3 Speed Switch - Set it to position 1 for slow-
est speed but furthest range. Set it to position 3
for fastest speed and shortest range.
4) Th rottle - Turn this to engage the motor.
Left Handlebar
1) High Beam / Low Beam - Press this button
to angle the lights up or down.
2) Turn Signals - Press this to the left or right to
indicate turning the respective direction. Leave
it in the middle when completed your turn.
3) Horn - Press this to honk the horn