About Daymak
Daymak, a Toronto-based company, incorporated in 2002, is a leading developer and
distributor of personal light electric vehicles. Daymak’s goal is to reduce the carbon foot-
print one electric vehicle at a time! Please visit www.daymak.com for more information.
Our electric bicycles represent an energy-effi cient and eco-friendly alternative for people
who need to get around the city. They greatly increase the practicality of bicycle transpor-
tation in urban centres. Costing only a few cents to charge, an e-bike can make city life
more convenient and much less expensive.
While there are many new Green technologies that are still in their infancy, electric bicycles
have been developing over the last 40 years or more. E-bike technology has been dramat-
ically refi ned since the introduction of the fi rst custom-conversion bicycles. Today, electric
bicycles are a supremely reliable and aff ordable means of transportation.
Daymak is constantly developing new eco-friendly alternative transportation strategies,
led by its own Research and Development department in Toronto, Canada. We are always
improving our products. Our innovative in-house engineering and quality testing provide
customers with many new kinds of reliable, eco-friendly vehicles, designed to help change
the lives of our customers and the world.
Daymak warranties, services, and stocks parts for everything it sells. We support our prod-