Voyager UTP Extender Serial Addendum
The default settings for serial extension (9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, RTS/CTS and
DTR/DSR loopback) should be suitable for the majority of applications. This addendum describes how
you can adjust the baud rate and hardware flow control for specialist applications.
Serial Interface Setup and Operation
You can configure the baud rate and flow control protocol using jumpers on the serial daughter board
(see Figure 1) in the Remote and/or Local units.
1. Disconnect the unit’s power supply.
2. Open the unit by unscrewing the two screws on each side of the case.
3. Locate the serial daughter board.
The following sections describe how to adjust the baud rate and hardware flow control protocol. When
you have finished, replace the unit covers.
The circuit board has several jumper blocks in addition to those shown
Figure 1
Do not adjust any of these settings as you will cause the extender to operate incorrectly.
Figure 1 Jumper setting
on the Serial Daughter board.
Baud Rate
You can set the baud rate for serial communication across the extender units at 19200, 9600 (default)
or 1200 baud.
All Local units are supplied with the baud rate preset to 9600 / 19200.
All Remote units are supplied with the baud rate preset to 9600.
Changing the Baud Rate on the Voyager UTP Remote Unit
All Remote units are supplied with the baud rate preset at 9600.
9600 19200
Figure 2 Remote Unit Baud Rate.
Use this procedure if you want to change the baud rate.
1. Locate the Baud Rate jumper block in the Remote unit.
2. Set the jumper to the required setting as shown in Figure 2.
Ensure that the jumpers are set correctly on both the Voyager UTP Local & Remote units