Using Unit on Site
Turn the power to the machine on. (Follow start up
procedures pg. 9)
Roll up chute door cover and slide back the chute exit tray.
Place wheel barrow under the exit chute.
Press and hold the joystick in the “down” position. This will
run both the tarp and the conveyor at the same time. The
tarp is on a 2 second on/off delay so keep holding until
mulch starts to run through the machine. When the
wheelbarrow is halfway full, push joystick “up” to just run
the conveyor belt. This helps prevent the belt from
overloading with too much mulch.
The power may be left on while running mulch, but care must be taken to ensure no unauthorized
persons have access to the machine when unattended.
When refilling your wheelbarrow, just press the joystick to the “down” position to refill and Top Off.
Occasionally you must clear the conveyor belt of built up mulch by pressing the joystick to the
“up” position. This will run the conveyor by itself clearing the belt of any built-up mulch.
Opening Unit to Load Debris
You may load debris behind the tarp, in the space between the tarp and the truck, after a partial load of mulch
has been dispensed. Or once the truck has been emptied of mulch, you may swing the machine away and
secure it the driver side of the truck. This will allow you to load debris back into your truck for removal.
Press joystick to the up position to run only the conveyor motor to clear the conveyor belt.
After all of the mulch has been emptied from the truck
. Press
the joystick to the “left” position to run only the tarp motor to
roll up the remaining tarp.
Make sure the area around the machine is clear,
release the
hinge locks
It is recommended that swinging the unit should be a two
person operation.
Release the passenger side latch lock, pull down on the handle
to release the machine.
Always keep control of the machine when it is unlatched.
Walk the unit around to the driver side of the truck and secure
the hinge locks and the secondary safety chain to ensure the
machine is properly locked in place. Be sure to secure the
safety chain in the hole in located at the upper left corner of the chute hole. DO NOT ATTACH TO THE
You may now load debris into your truck for transport.