Normal Operation
The SEL button selects what is to be displayed and
the CTL button controls what is being displayed.
Pressing SEL sequentially selects Local Time, Flight
Time, Elapsed Time, and back to UT. The CTL button
resets Flight Time, FT, back to zero when held down
for 3 seconds. The CTL button also starts and resets
Elapsed Time when momentarily pushed. Normal
operation of the 803 cannot accidentally reset time.
Setting Universal Time
Select UT for display with the SEL button. Simultane-
ously press both the SEL and CTL buttons to enter the
set mode. The tens of hours digit will start flashing.
The CTL button has full control of the flashing digit,
and each button push increments the digit. Once the
tens of hour is set, the SEL button selects the next digit
to be set. After the last digit has been selected and
set with the CTL button, a final push of the SEL button
exits set mode. The lighted annunciator will resume its
normal flashing, indicting the UT clock is running.
Setting Local Time
Select Local Time, LT, using the SEL button.
Simultaneously push the SEL and CTL buttons to enter
set mode. The tens of hours digit will start flashing.
The set operation is the same as for UT, except that
minutes are already synchronized with the UT clock
and cannot be set in Local Time.
Control/Select Disable
When there is no aircraft power applied to the clock
the CTL and SEL buttons are disabled.
Setting Flight Time Alarm
When Flight Time, FT, is displayed enter the set mode
by pressing both buttons simultaneously. The alarm
time is entered identically to UT setting. When the
Flight Time equals the alarm time the display will flash
and the alarm output activated. If FT was not being
displayed at the time the alarm becomes active, the
clock automatically selects FT for display. Pressing
either the SEL or CTL button turns off the alarm and
zeroes the alarm time. Flight Time is unchanged and
continues counting.
Flight Time Reset
FT must be displayed when resetting. Hold CTL down
for 3 seconds, or until 99:59 appears on the display.
Flight Time will be zeroed upon release of the CTL
Elapsed Time Count Up
Select ET for display. Pressing the CTL button will start
ET counting. Elapsed Time counts up to 59 minutes, 59
seconds, and then switches to hours and minutes. It
continues counting up to 99 hours and 59 minutes.
Pressing the CTL button again resets ET to zero.
Elapsed Time Count Down
Select ET for display and enter set mode by pressing
both buttons simultaneously. A countdown from any
time, a maximum 59 minutes, and 59 seconds, can
be set. The time is entered the same as UT setting.
Once the last digit is set, pressing the SEL button exits
the set mode and the clock is ready to start the count-
down. Pressing the CTL button starts the countdown.
The alarm becomes active at zero, flashes the displays,
and enables the external alarm. Pressing either button,
SEL or CTL, will reset the alarm. After reaching zero the
ET counter will count up.
Test Mode
Hold the SEL button down for three seconds and the
display will indicate 88:88 and activate all four annun-
Model 803
O.A.T & Volts Operation
Universal Time
Local Time
Flight Time
Temperature Fahrenheit
Elapsed Time
Temperature Centigrade
The one red button controls steps through E, F, and C
and then repeats. The initial power up will always
select voltage. One press and release selects Outside
Air Temp in Fahrenheit. The next button operation
selects Outside Air Temp in Centigrade.