D a t a D i s p l a y e d o n C o n s o l e
G e n e r a l
Historical Data .................................................................. Includes the past 25 values plus the current value listed unless
otherwise noted; all can be cleared and all totals reset
Daily Data ......................................................................... Includes the earliest time of occurrence of highs and lows; period
begins/ends at 12:00 am
Monthly Data .................................................................... Period begins/ends at 12:00 am on the first of the month
Yearly Data ....................................................................... Period begins/ends at 12:00 am on the first of January unless
otherwise noted
Current Data ..................................................................... Current data appears in the right most column in the console graph
and represents the latest value within the last period on the graph;
totals can be set or reset
Graph Time Interval ......................................................... 10 min., 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year (user-selectable, availability
depends upon variable selected) (2.5 seconds for Last 25 Wind
Graph Time Span.............................................................. 26 Intervals (Current Interval plus 25 past values included; see
Graph Intervals to determine time span)
Graph Variable Span (Vertical Scale) ................................ Automatic (varies depending upon data range); Maximum and
Minimum value in range appear in Weather Center
Alarm Indication ................................................................ Alarms sound for only 2 minutes (except for time) if operating on
battery power. Alarm message is displayed in Weather Center as
long as threshold is met or exceeded. Alarms can be silenced (but
not cleared) by pressing the DONE key.
Transmission Interval ........................................................ Varies with transmitter ID code from 2.25 seconds (#1=shortest), to
3 seconds (#8=longest)
Update Interval ................................................................. Varies with sensor - see individual sensor specs
B a r o m e t r i c P r e s s u r e
Resolution and Units ......................................................... 0.01" Hg, 0.1 mm Hg, 0.1 hPa/mb (user-selectable)
Range ............................................................................... 16.00" to 32.50" Hg, 410 to 820 mm Hg, 540 to 1100.0 hPa/mb
Elevation Range ............................................................... -999’ to +15,000’ (-600 m to +4570 m). (Note that console screen
limits entry of lower elevation to -999’ when using feet as elevation
Uncorrected Reading Accuracy ......................................... ±0.03" Hg (±0.8 mm Hg, ±1.0 hPa/mb) (at room temperature)
Sea-Level Reduction Equations Used ............................... United States Method employed prior to use of current "R Factor"
method ("NOAA"), Altimeter Setting
NOAA Equation Source..................................................... Smithsonian Meteorological Tables
NOAA Equation Accuracy ................................................. ±0.01" Hg (±0.3 mm Hg, ±0.3 hPa/mb)
NOAA Elevation Accuracy Required.................................. ±10’ (3m) to meet equation accuracy specification
Overall Accuracy............................................................... ±0.03" Hg (±0.8 mm Hg, ±1.0 hPa/mb)
Trend (change in 3 hours) ................................................. Change 0.06" (2 hPa/mb, 1.5 mm Hg) = Rapidly
Change 0.02" (0.7hPa/mb, 0.5 mm Hg)= Slowly
Trend Indication ................................................................ 5 position arrow: Rising (rapidly or slowly), Steady, or Falling (rapidly
or slowly)
Update Interval ................................................................. 1 minute
Current Data ..................................................................... Instant and Hourly Reading; Daily, Monthly, Yearly High and Low;
Barometer change 24-hour
Historical Data .................................................................. 15-min. and Hourly Reading; Daily, Monthly Highs and Lows
Alarms .............................................................................. High Threshold from Current Trend for Storm Clearing (Rising Trend
Low Threshold from Current Trend for Storm Warning (Falling Trend)
Range for Rising and Falling Trend Alarms ....................... 0.01 to 0.25" Hg (0.1 to 6.4 mm Hg, 0.1 to 8.5 hPa/mb)
C l o c k
Resolution ........................................................................ 1 minute
Units ................................................................................. Time: 12 or 24 hour format (user-selectable)
Date.................................................................................. US or International format (user-selectable)
Accuracy........................................................................... ±8 seconds/month
Adjustments ...................................................................... Time: Automatic Daylight Savings Time (for users in North America
and Europe that observe it in AUTO mode, MANUAL setting available
for all other areas.) Date: Automatic Leap Year
Alarms .............................................................................. Once per day at set time when active