Maintaining the Sensor
Page 15
5. Cut off the ends of the cable ties.
6. Put the rain collector cone back on the base, turning it clockwise until the latches
hold it in place. Be sure that it does not squeeze the sensor cable where it goes
down into the notch and up inside the cone.
Don’t put the cone back on if you’re going to install the solar radiation sen-
sor at this time.
7. Clean the sensor as instructed in “Maintaining the Sensor” on page 15.
If You Are Going to Install the Solar Radiation Sensor
If you’re installing the solar radiation sensor also, use the same testing and
installation procedure completed for the UV sensor. In the rain collector base,
the cable clamps have room to secure one loop of the UV sensor cable and one
loop of the solar radiation sensor cable.
Reassembling Radiation Shield
Consult the illustration on page 12.
1. Slide the two open plates over the threaded studs.
2. Slide the single closed plate over the threaded studs.
3. Place a flat washer, lock washer and wing nut over one of the studs.
Tip: temporarily place a wing nut on one of the studs to hold the plates as
you place washers and a wing nut on another stud.
4. Finger-tighten the wing nut.
5. Repeat #3. and #4. until all three wing nuts are secure.
For the most accurate readings, clean the diffuser after mounting, and then
periodically. Use ethyl alcohol (NOT rubbing alcohol).
Due to the sensitivity of ultraviolet radiation sensors it is common practice for
manufacturers to recommend re-calibration after a period of time. Here at
Davis Instruments we have seen approximately 2% drift per year on the read-
ings from these sensors. For applications demanding higher accuracy, the sen-
sors should be calibrated once every year.
Contact Technical Support (510) 732-7814 about returning your sensor for cali-