“The wind cups don’t spin or don’t spin as fast as they should.”
First check for and clear out any spider webs. Also, the anemometer may be located
where wind is blocked by something, or there may be friction interfering with the
cups’ rotation. Remove the wind cups (loosen the set screw) and clear out any bugs
or debris. Turn the shaft the cups rotate on. If it feels gritty or stiff, contact Davis
Technical Support.
Do not lubricate the shaft or bearings in any way. When replacing the cups, make sure they are not
rubbing against any part of the anemometer head.
“Readings aren’t what I expected them to be.”
Comparing data from your ISS to measurements from TV, radio, newspapers, or a
neighbor is NOT a valid method of verifying your readings. Readings can vary
considerably over short distances. How you site the ISS and anemometer can also
make a big difference. If you have questions, contact Technical Support.
Contacting Davis Instruments
If you have questions about the ISS or Vantage Pro2 system, or encounter problems
installing or operating the weather station, please contact Davis Technical Support.
Please do not return items to the factory for repair without prior authorization.
(510) 732-7814
– Technical Support phone, Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Pacific Time.
(510) 670-0589
– Technical Support Fax.
– E-mail to Technical Support.
– General e-mail.
– Download manuals and specifications from the Support section.
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