First In Chain Repeater Troubleshooting
The TX and STAT LEDs display two error codes corresponding to first in chain repeater
communication problems when the repeater is in Test Mode. The STAT LED flashes
numbered error codes in red or yellow. After the error code is displayed by the STAT
LED, the TX LED may flash the corresponding transmitter ID associated with the error.
Also, it is possible for a repeater to display more than one error at a time. The two error
codes corresponding to first in chain communication errors are:
Error 3
- Can occur if a repeater intended to be first in chain does not have the first in
chain feature enabled. Because the repeater does not know it is supposed to be first in
chain, the repeater looks for a previous repeater in the chain. Move the two-pin
jumper to the bottom two-pins on the first in chain header and retest communication.
Error 4
- Can occur if a repeater (with ID other than A) is intended to be part of a
single chain of repeaters and is set to be first in chain, or if an intended first in chain
repeater doesn’t have any Transmitter IDs selected. If you have a single chain topol-
ogy, make sure the first in chain jumper is in the default position and retest communi-
cation. If you have a multiple chain topology, make sure a Transmitter ID has been
selected on the first in chain repeater and retest communication.
Note: Please review all communication issues alongside those regarding first in chain repeaters. See “Mainte-
nance and Troubleshooting” on page 36 for more information.