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speed travel in calm air.
The use of the speed system reduces the angle of
attack and the canopy may be more sensitive to
collapses therefore do not use near the ground or in
turbulent air and in case you are hit by turbulence
remove your feet off the speed bar as quickly as
possible. Always far away from the ground when using
the speed bar.
8. Trimmers
The POINT is supplied with a trim riser set. The
‘neutral’ or standard position is when the trimmers are
pulled middle of the webbing which has been marked
and A/B/C riser lengths are equal. We recommend
performing landing and take-off with the trimmers
closed and neutral position. The close trimmer length
is 2cm
To increase glider speed you can use the speed
system, release the trimmers, or do both. The travel
open trimmer length is 3cm.
It is not necessary to release the trimmers before
accelerating. Using the speed system has exactly the
same effect as releasing the trimmers so it is safe and
possible to fly with the trimmers in the neutral position
whilst using the full range of the speed system.