User manual
5.6 Page Mode
In page mode the result of incoming commands is forwarded to a reserved
memory area (page). The page place and size is defined using command ESC W.
Command GS T selects the print direction in this page. At the end the collected
information is printed using one of the commands, provided for this. Commands ESC
FF and GS FF print only the currently defined page, but command ESC Z prints the
area between the first and last line containing at least one black point.
All commands except GS L and GS W work in page mode. The centering and
right alignment
(command ESC a) is working in the currently defined page width.
5.7 Ruled lines
The printer has two line buffers with size the maximum printing width (paper
width in standard mode or the selected page width in page mode). When ruled lines
are active, then every horizontal line of the text line is combined with the selected
ruled line buffer. Bit ‘1’ in the ruled line buffer is a black dot in OR mode and inverts
the color of the dot in XOR mode. Two commands allow the ruled line buffers to be
printed without combining with a text line.
When pressing the FEED button, no ruled lines buffer is applied.
All ruled lines commands start with symbol DC3 (ASCII code 13h). Please see
command DC2 = , too .
The ruled lines print position depends not on GS L and GS W (left margin
and line width) and is always at the beginning of the line (or at the beginning of
the printable area in page mode). The printed text and graphic change their
position according these commands.
When printing 180 degrees rotated lines (command ESC { 1) ruled lines
buffers are not rotated!
5.8 Protocol mode
Protocol mode is active when hardware switch 11 is on. The purpose of this
mode is to give stronger real time access to the printer. All input data are sent in
packets as described below. The printer returns an answer to the packet
Output packet format: Channel Command LenHi LenLo Data
Answer format:
Channel Status LenHi LenLo Data
Channel: One byte:
Bits 0 – 6 Channel number (Device type)
Bit 7
0: Send data; 1: Response
Command: One byte with possible value: