handwritten record.
● When connecting with other devices, please read the
user manual for detailed safety instructions, please do not
connect it with any incompatible products.
● The Ubislate7CZ and its accessories may contain small
parts. For safety purpose please keep them out of the
reach of small children.
● Some parts of the device may be magnetic in nature.
Metallic materials may be attracted to the device. As a
precaution, persons with a hearing aid or implant
should not hold the device close to the implant or the
ear with the hearing aid. (<15cm)
● Avoid placing credit cards or other magnetic storage
media near the device because information stored on
them may be erased.
● This device contains glass components that upon
breaking may splinter, crack or shatter and pose a
safety risk until such a point that all glass shards are
disposed of.