Creative & Imaginative
The Intervalometer can also be used to condense existing video to playback in less time. For
instance, if you re-record a 60-minute videotape at:
one frame per second, you’ll end up with a 2 minute long tape
two frames per second, you’ll end up with a 4 minute long tape
three frames per second, you’ll end up with a 6 minute long tape
With Datavideo’s Intervalometer, you can combine different animations and techniques, recording
time intervals, numbers of frames, and existing video together into unique sequences. You can
even use it to “pencil test” your animation or graphic build. You can easily move the camera as you
animate, or between segments, put it on a turntable, zoom in or out, add filters for special effects,
all without changing the subject or lighting. The Intervalometer makes it easy for you to master time
and it encourages you to realize the full, imaginative potential of your creative self and your
technical expertise. It’s ideal for recording: