– this enables the contrast between colours to be increased.
– this enables colour saturation to be boosted.
Ambient Color
– this enables an ambient component to be introduced into the picture.
– this enables the ambient colour intensity to be set.
The post correction function is usually used to match an object to a background. This is
possible by switching on an additional component of the dominating colour already in the
virtual picture. For example, if an object in a studio is shown against a background of a sunny
beach, then the yellow colour is added to match the object to the beach (the dominating
colour of sand or the sun will be an impact on the object). In simple words, the post
correction function will match the object to the existing environment condition.
7.8 User Presets
User Presets section
Preset Name
These are four buttons enabling slider settings to be loaded from data recorded in the device.
Each button has a name that can be modified when a given setting (preset) is saved.
Save Preset
This function activates the OS (e.g. Windows) used to save the current settings of the sliders.
It operates as one of the presets saved in the device.
Save key presets window