Using the knob in scope view
The Knob softkey in Scope view determines the function for both Vertical and Horizontal knob. See table below for
available settings.
Marker Off
Marker On
Knob control
Scale or Sc
Vertical knob
Makes the waveform bigger or smaller vertically in relation to its ground reference. Specified in
volts/division, ampere/division and watts/division on the y axis.
Horizontal knob
Stretches or shrinks the waveform horizontally around the timebase reference. Specified in time/-
division on the x axis. Applies to ALL traces.
Offset (Ofs)
Vertical knob
Moves the ground reference of the trace up or down in relation to the horizontal center line of the grid.
Horizontal knob
Moves the waveform to the right or left of the timebase reference.
Marker (Mrk)
Vertical knob
Moves the m1 marker right or left.
Horizontal knob
Moves the m2 marker right or left.
Using the knob for adjusting trigger level
Use the navigation keys to select the trigger level located on the left pane of scope view, as shown below.
Adjusting the Vertical or Horizontal knob will adjust the trigger level for Voltage level, or Current level accordingly.
Keysight E36150 Series User's Guide