DDR-16/32 Installation and Operating Guide
Version 0.91
Appendix C. AP25 AES67 Out Card (H790) Setup
Document #: 9301H85300 Ver. 0.91
Ethernet Link
This section displays:
Ethernet link status (up, down)
Current IP address of the AP25
Select the Configure button to bring up the AES67 Network configuration screen.
Figure 3 – Network Configuration Screen
DHCP is the default selection. To enter a Static IP address, select the Static checkbox. This will
bring up the screen shown in
. Tapping in the gray boxes will bring up a virtual
keyboard allowing the address, mask and gateway to be entered. To activate changes, the Reset
AES67 button must be selected.
Figure 4 – Static IP Configuration Screen
PTP (Precision Time Protocol)
This section displays:
PTP status. The example screen in
shows that this device is currently the Master.
PTP Grand Master ID
PTP Current offset
Select the Configure button to bring up the AES67 PTP configuration screen.