iBoot-PDU User Manual
Page 66
10. USB Interfaces
The USB ports are used to integrate peripheral devices to the iBoot-PDU. There are four USB A ports that allow
attachment of peripherals and one USB B mini port that allows attachment of a computer or battery.
10.1. Temperature Monitor
The temperature monitor Item 1940213 provides two independent probes. One is internal to the USB module and
the other is on a 6’ cable that attaches to the module. The use of the cable probe is optional.
Temperature Probe Installation
If the cable probe is to be used, connect it to the module before
inserting the module in the USB port of the PDU.
Connect the module to any of the USB ports on the PDU. The
PDU will recognize the module and display the temperature on the
dashboard in the lower right hand corner of the device card.
Temperature Probe Specifications
Range of measuring: -40~+125 C; -40~+257F;
Resolution rate: 0.06C
Precision: + 2C;
10.2. Landline Modem
Contact Dataprobe
10.3. Serial Port
The USB B port on the iBoot-PDU can be used for serial communication. The Command Line Interface through
the serial connection allows programming of all parameters of the unit, and control of all functions.
To use the USB port, connect to a Windows PC, and the installation should be automatic. If you need to install a
driver first you can download the driver
at from Dataprobe’s support site:
USB Driver Installation
Run ibootG2Driver.exe prior to connecting the iBoot-PDU to the USB port of the PC.
Connect the USB iBoot-PDU to a USB port of the PC.
The PC will discover the iBoot-PDU and assign a COM port. To find the COM port go to
Control Panel > System > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) The com port assigned will be USB Serial Port
The USB port can now be used with a standard Terminal Client (like HyperTerminal) to communicate directly with
the iBoot-PDU. Dataprobe also provides a simple terminal program (EZ Term) at