This publication, including all photographs, illustrations and software, is protected under international copyright
laws, with all rights reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material contained herein, may be reproduced
without the express written consent of the manufacturer.
Copyright © 2011 DataON Storage Inc.
All product names used in this manual are the properties of their respective owners and are acknowledged.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The manufacturer makes no representations
or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability
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Safety Measures
Computer components and electronic circuit boards can be damaged by discharges of static electricity. Working on
computers that are still connected to a power supply can be extremely dangerous. Follow these guidelines to avoid
damage to the DNS 1640 or injury to yourself.
Always disconnect power when carrying out work inside the unit.
If possible, wear a grounded wrist strap when carrying out work inside the unit. Alternatively,
discharge any static electricity by touching the bare metal chassis of the unit case, or the bare
metal body of any other grounded appliance.
Hold electronic circuit boards by the edges only. Do not touch the components on the board un-
less it is necessary to do so. Do not flex or stress the circuit board.
Leave all components inside the static-proof packaging until you are ready to install the compo-
Equipment Location
This equipment should only be accessed by SERVICE PERSONNEL or by USERS who have been instructed about
the reasons for the restrictions applied to the location. Access is through the use of a TOOL or lock and key, or
other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location.
About this Guide
This guide describes how to setup and power on the DNS 1640 6Gb/s SAS JBOD system. This guide is intended for
trained personnel only.