To configure the Gateway:
The upload of the configuration takes about 5 seconds / the upload of the fir-
mware takes about 2 minutes and is finished when the USB LED shows constant
green light. The Gateway is now configurated / updated and can be connected to
a HandScanner.
1. Connect the Gateway with the computer. The Gateway boots up. This
takes about 2 min and is finished when the USB LED shows constant
green light.
2. Scan the Pairing Barcode on the Gateway.
3. Scan this barcode to enable the Gateway as a mass storage device
on the computer.
4. Copy the downloaded configuration file or the firmware file into the
mass storage device Gateway.
5. Eject the Gateway mass storage from your File Explorer (e.g. on Windows, right-click on the Gateway and click on
Do not disconnect the Gateway from the computer during the upload!
The configuration will be applied to the HandScanner and the Gateway directly.
HandScanners that get connected to the Gateway later will receive the same configuration!