I 2 of 5 Length Control
This feature specifies either variable length decoding or fixed length decoding for the I 2
of 5 symbology.
Variable Length:
For variable-length decoding, a minimum length may be set.
Fixed Length:
For fixed-length decoding, two different lengths may be set.
I 2 of 5 Set Length 1
This feature specifies one of the bar code lengths for "
I 2 of 5 Length Control" on page
. Length 1 is the minimum label length if in Variable Length Mode, or the first fixed
length if in Fixed Length Mode. The length includes the bar code’s check and data char-
acters. The length can be set from 2 to 50 characters in increments of two. See "
for more detailed programming instructions.
I 2 of 5 Length Control = Variable Length
I 2 of 5 Length Control = Fixed Length
Select I 2 of 5 Set Length 1 Setting
To configure this feature, scan the ENTER/EXIT PRO-
GRAMMING MODE bar code above, then the bar
code at left followed by the digits from the Alphanu-
meric characters in
ing your desired character(s). End by scanning the
ENTER/EXIT bar code again.
Make a mistake? Scan the CANCEL bar code to abort
and not save the entry string. You can then start
again at the beginning.
Length 1 = 06 (6 characters)