AREX™ 400
Datalogic provides a wide range of laser marker models with different F-Theta scan
lenses configurations.
These configurations are provided to best match customer needs regarding marking
field size, working distance and power density.
Arex™ 110-XXX/120-XXX/A20-X6X: square marking field measured on
black anodized aluminium plate.
Arex™ 130-X6X/150-X6X: square marking field within which power is
>95% with respect to power in center.
Contact Datalogic if other configurations are necessary.
Definition of Marking Area:
This product was designed to use only certain configurations of F-Theta
scan lens and marking field. If your needs are not satisfied by the currently
available F-Theta scan lens configurations please contact Datalogic for a
solution. The use of other F-Theta scan lenses or operation outside the
specified marking field for a certain F-Theta scan lens configuration can
lead to damage of the F-Theta scan lens, scan head or laser source. Such
damage is not covered by warranty!
For each F-Theta scan lens configuration Datalogic provides a specific
adapter. This adapter ensures that residual back reflections caused by the
F-Theta scan lens do not damage the scanning head optics. The removal of
such adapter or its incorrect use (for example incomplete threading, use of
another F-Theta scan lens adapter, etc.) can lead to damage of the F-Theta
scan lens, scan head or laser source. Such damage is not covered by war-