DKM-409 Pro AT User Manual Rev_02 Firmware V-2.5
Demand values are average values of measured parameters over a programmable period.
The average values at the end of the period are compared with the demand registers, if higher, the new
demand is stored into the register.
Demand registers are reset at the beginning of each month. Therefore demands are effective for the
current month.
Demands may also be manually reset through programming menu MIN/MAX COUNTER ADJUST
Demand registers are stored in a non-volatile memory and retain their values even when power is off.
Below demand registers are available:
-demand I1
-demand I2
-demand I3
-demand Ia (average current)
-demand import active power
-demand export active power
Min-max values are based on instantaneous measurements. They have no averaging periods, therefore
excessive values may be stored during short duration peak demands, like electric motor starts or inrush
currents that flow at power-on.
During operation, the unit compares the instantaneous value with the storage registers, if higher, the new
value is stored into the register.
Min-max registers are reset through programming mode. The related parameter is:
Min-max registers are stored in a non-volatile memory and retain their values even when power is off.
For stability purposes, the min-max detection starts 5 seconds after power turns on.
Below min-max registers are available :
-Min voltage L1-N
-Min voltage L2-N
-Min voltage L3-N
-Min voltage L1-2
-Min voltage L2-3
-Min voltage L3-1
-Min frequency
-Min current I1
-Min current I2
-Min current I3
-Min current Ia (average current)
-Min import active power
-Min export active power
-Min inductive reactive power
-Min capacitive reactive power
-Max voltage L1-N
-Max voltage L2-N
-Max voltage L3-N
-Max voltage L1-2
-Max voltage L2-3
-Max voltage L3-1
-Max frequency
-Max current I1
-Max current I2
-Max current I3
-Max current Ia (average current)
-Max import active power
-Max export active power
-Max inductive reactive power
-Max capacitive reactive power