Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
When a global variable is filled via an input chain you have to differ to cases: Either you fill the GV and
create a data record concurrently, or you fill the GV without creating a data record. In the second case
please note, that there should be no connection to any data record description.
When inputting GVs using the function Normal, you can carry out a format check via the register card
Expanded. Such a test is not available for other input functions. That is not necessary, because there the
data formats are set in advance.
When you transmit a new setup, it is possible to delete global variables and
their values. In order to do this you have to activate the appropriate option.
If you want to reset one or all GVs to a defined value (e.g. at clocking-off), you
have to create an input chain with the appropriate fields. Use the function
Constant. Via the configuration of the time zones you can set, when this
input chain resets the GVs.
5.2.3 Transponder
Transponder readers are provided as external module, e.g. TS-TMR33. You can set the transponder
reader via the settings in the setup (see figure
When configuring the transponder please mind the
provided information about the current transpon-
der type.
The reading system is set via the transponder type.
Figure 104: Settings of the transponder